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Chief Health Officer Covid-19 Update

Writer's picture: Kate BradshawKate Bradshaw

Dr Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer, NSW Health has issued the following update for all disability, home care or other personal care support services.

The outbreak of COVID-19 continues in Victoria and an outbreak has been detected in South Western Sydney, associated with the Crossroads Hotel in Casula.

NSW Health currently recommends that where services are being provided both inside and outside of a residential facility (e.g. day programs), staff who reside in South West Sydney should wear a mask while providing care to residents.

Individuals who receive disability, home care or other personal care support services may be more vulnerable to serious complications if they do become infected, depending on the nature of their disability and other medical history. Individuals who receive such services are also vulnerable should their usual care be interrupted. It is particularly important that transmission among these groups is minimised through enhanced infection prevention and control procedures.

It is crucial that all residential disability care facilities maintain vigilance to prevent the introduction of COVID-19 into the facility. Given the current risk of COVID-19 now in the community please implement the following measures. All facilities:

  • Anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms, even mild, should be excluded from the facility. They should be advised to isolate at home and seek COVID-19 testing.

  • Any visitors who have been in Victoria in the previous two weeks should be excluded from the facility.

  • Until the end of July, any visitors who have been in the following local government areas in the previous two weeks should be excluded from the facility: Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly.

  • All residential disability care staff who reside in the above South Western Sydney local government areas should wear a surgical mask while in the facility until at least the end of July.

  • Staff and visitors who have visited any of the locations linked to the COVID-19 outbreak in South Western Sydney (see updated list of venues by clicking here) should be excluded for a period of 14 days since their visit to the listed location. It is important to regularly check the website, as this list may expand.

  • Residential disability care facilities in the above South Western Sydney local government areas should limit visitors until at least the end of July.

  • Facilities should communicate clearly with residents and potential visitors to request that visits be postponed until after the end of July.

  • All residential disability care staff who work in residential disability care facilities located within the above South Western Sydney local government areas should wear a surgical mask while in the facility until at least the end of July (irrespective of where they live or have visited).

If your facility cares for medically vulnerable people, staff must wear surgical masks. Measures such as phone or video calls should be made available to all residents to enable continuation of communication with family, friends or others to assist to limit visits to the facility at this time.

If you would like more public health information, please contact your local NSW Health public health unit on 1300 066 055 or visit by clicking here

If you would like more information about NDIS-related issues, including any funding issues relating to compliance with these measures for NDIS participants, contact:

  • the NDIA on 1800 800 110 or

  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

  • email

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